Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bookies Is also Big Losers on Royal Baby Bets

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

Bets at the royal baby name offered by sportsbooks corresponding to Betfair, Paddy Power, and Ladbrokes turned out to be very popular, with a delay in naming the child after he was born only fueling the betting frenzy.

The potentially bad news for the bookies is that George was the massive favorite during some of the betting, with most books offering 2-1 odds for the name George. Final tallies may never be known but $2.5 million and counting had already been accounted for at various sportsbooks, with some seeing the higest wagers ever for prop bets not tied to the result of a sporting event.

"It have been the most well liked market we've ever offered, outside of sporting events," David Williams of Ladbrokes told CNBC. "The appetite was unprecedented."

Paddy Power reported greater than $700,000 wagered at the royal baby name while William Hill said it had collected greater than $500,000 in wagers. Most bets were for small amounts with a standard wager of around $10-$15. 

All those small bets could prove costly, however, especially with George the clear favorite right after the birth when some of the wagers were placed. Only a few bettors seemed to be tempted by 250-1 longshot names comparable to Elvis or Psy, which might mean that bookmakers could have a large number of small bets to pay out at 2-1.

Bookmakers often balance their exposure to bets so it's impossible to actually know what their profit/loss may be at the wagers because it will vary from book to book. Many bookies also offered other bets reminiscent of the sex of the child, with girl being the most well liked wager so they'll recoup a few of their George losses there.

Alexandra was the odds-on favorite so far as girls names, with several sportsbooks also offering bets in keeping with the date of birth. When you missed out at the betting frenzy never fear; some books are already offering future bets at the first girlfriend of baby George in addition to other outrageous prop bets. 

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

Lucky Hunting Cap Pays Off Big

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

The 71 year-old man was playing slots along with his daughter at Scioto Downs & Racetrack when a regular day on the casino became a unprecedented one. He was up $50 and able to call it an afternoon when his daughter talked him into taking a shot at a progressive jackpot on a Double Diamond slot machine.

His daughter noticed that the progressive was maxed out at $99,999.99 and he took a seat to offer it a spin, wearing his lucky hunting cap that he always wears when gambling and armed with a lucky penny he found earlier that day.

"On my second spin, three diamonds came up," Binkley said. "Corinna started hollering. I BELIEVED I only won $4,000, but she said I hit the entire jackpot, after which my knees started getting weak ... and that i could feel my blood pressure going up."

Before he knew it casino employees were celebrating the win with him, complete with a huge novelty check and many photo ops. The jackpot on the $2 slot machine was the most important progressive jackpot awarded on the casino, with the jackpot resetting to $20,000 and because growing to $35,000.

Binkley said that the cash could be tucked safely within the bank -- after spreading just a little of the wealth together with his daughter -- and that he had no plans to modify his regular gambling process of visiting the casino every few weeks with a couple of hundred dollars. 

I take a collection amount with me. That way, despite the fact that you lose 100 or two hundred, you won’t feel so bad, just like the individuals who lose two or three thousand.”

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

Faraz Jaka se define como el anti-baller

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

Pese a participar en los torneos más importantes del mundo, el jugador americano prodiga un estilo de vida alejado de los grandes lujos, hoteles caros y restaurantes prestigiosos. Prefiere ahorrar ese tipo de costes y destinar ese dinero a otro tipo de lujos.

Cuando fantaseamos y nos intentamos poner en la piel de los mejores jugadores de poker de todo el mundo, nos imaginamos alojándonos en los mejores hoteles, degustando los mejores manjares de cada ciudad o viajando de un sitio a otro en clase preferente, como poco.

Derrumbando unos cuantos mitos. Derrumbando unos cuantos mitos.

Muchos jugadores seguirán ese estilo de vida, eso es cierto, pero no es menos verdad que algunos otros, intentan desmarcarse de esos tópicos, de esos chichés. Uno de ellos es el Faraz Jaka.

El americano, quien hace un tiempo realizara un retiro espiritual a un monasterio budista en Tailandia, parece haber cambiado el chip, y de un tiempo a esta parte, ha tomado la decisión de bajar el ritmo de gastos, enfocando de una forma muy distinta todos los desplazamientos que hace a lo largo del globo para participar en los torneos de poker más prestigiosos.

Esto es lo que Faraz Jaka ha bautizado como el "budgeting" (traducido literalmente vendría a ser algo así como "seguir un presupuesto").

"The-T0ilet", como es conocido en las mesas online, de un tiempo a esta parte minimiza sus gastos tanto como le es posible, y para ello ha confeccionado una serie de trucos o consejos que ha plasmado en su blog personal.

Confeccionar hojas de cálculo: ¿cómo te vas a organizar bien si no tienes constancia de a dónde va a parar tu dinero? Casi todos los jugadores con dos dedos de frente, confecciona hojas de cálculo para registrar todos sus movimientos de dinero. Yo intento ir un paso más allá, y procuro registrar ahí cualquier gasto que tengo, bien sea un simple café como un billete de avión transoceánico. Os recomiendo organizar vuestros gastos en categorías y contabilizar ahí todos vuestros movimientos.

Viajar barato: esto lo hago extensivo a todo, tanto los vuelos a la ciudad dónde se celebre el evento, hasta el transporte necesario para trasladarte desde el aeropuerto hasta el hospedaje. Procuro sacar mis billetes mediante Southwest Airlines, una compañía que me permite realizar cambios en mi billete sin costes extra. Una vez me bajo del avión, procuro evitar el taxi. Prefiero utilizar el transporte público, caminar si es posible, ya que ahorro dinero, y además me permite conocer un poco mejor el lugar, interactuar con la gente del lugar, etc.

Vivir barato: al principio siempre pernoctaba en hoteles, incluso entre uno y otro evento, hasta que me di cuenta que quedándome en hostales, tenía la oportunidad de conocer mucha más gente, la cultura del lugar y todo ese tipo de cosas que te enriquecen por dentro. La primera vez que hice esto fue en París. El hostal no solo era barato, sino que además tenía un club justo al lado en el que pude disfrutar de un grupo de música en vivo que jamás olvidaré, con unas versiones de los Temptations increíbles.

Comer barato: suelo intentar evitar los restaurantes y el servicio de habitaciones. Mi consejo es intentar reservar en hoteles y hostales que tengan cerca un supermercado. La mayoría de habitaciones tienen una pequeña nevera, lo que me permite comprar algo de comida y prepararme mis propios sandwiches y cosas por ese estilo.

Derrochar: todo el mundo tiene el derecho de pagar un poco más de dinero por ciertas cosas, ciertos caprichos. No os sintáis mal por ello, todos lo hemos hecho alguna o varias veces. Lo importante es encontrar el término medio, el equilibrio para limitar estos gastos a ocasiones puntuales. Como buen jugador de poker que me considero, soy capaz de adaptar mi juego a la situación, exactamente lo mismo que hago con mi vida. En unos momentos mi estilo es más agresivo, y en otros más conservador. Es exactamente lo mismo que hay que hacer a la hora de gastar nuestro dinero.

Una vez Faraz Jaka apretó el botón de "publicar esto en la red" las reacciones se dispararon. Mucha gente no se explica como alguien capaz de invertir las cantidades de dinero que este jugador invierte en sus torneos, puede después analizar tan al detalle cada de sus gastos. Esta serie de menciones, llevaron a Jaka a lanzar unos cuantos tuits, matizando/explicando su punto de vista sobre este asunto.

(La gente suele pensar que los jugadores de poker / atletas / estrellas de cine, etc que tienen éxito, no tienen en consideración el "budgeting". En serio PARAD de ver la televisión o los medios de comunicación que muestran a los famosos con coches lujosos y todo ese estilo de vida ostentoso. Es todo una falacia para condicionaros a intentar emular sus gastos, haciendo que penséis que podréis tener unas experiencias similares a las suyas. La mayoría de gente no vive así, y los que lo hacen no duran demasiado, o suelen tener problemas financieros en el largo plazo, más de los que os imaginaríais). 

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Bookies Could also be Big Losers on Royal Baby Bets

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

Sportsbooks may grow to be big losers on a frenzy of betting over the name of the latest royal baby.

Bets at the royal baby name offered by sportsbooks corresponding to Betfair, Paddy Power, and Ladbrokes turned out to be very popular, with a delay in naming the child after he was born only fueling the betting frenzy.

The potentially bad news for the bookies is that George was the large favorite during some of the betting, with most books offering 2-1 odds for the name George. Final tallies may never be known but $2.5 million and counting had already been accounted for at various sportsbooks, with some seeing the higest wagers ever for prop bets not tied to the result of a sporting event.

"It have been the most well liked market we now have ever offered, outside of sporting events," David Williams of Ladbrokes told CNBC. "The appetite have been unprecedented."

Paddy Power reported greater than $700,000 wagered at the royal baby name while William Hill said it had collected greater than $500,000 in wagers. Most bets were for small amounts with a typical wager of around $10-$15. 

All those small bets could prove costly, however, especially with George the clear favorite right after the birth when some of the wagers were placed. Only a few bettors looked to be tempted by 250-1 longshot names corresponding to Elvis or Psy, which might mean that bookmakers could have a large number of small bets to pay out at 2-1.

Bookmakers often balance their exposure to bets so it's impossible to truly know what their profit/loss could be at the wagers because it will vary from book to book. Many bookies also offered other bets reminiscent of the sex of the child, with girl being the preferred wager so they'll recoup a few of their George losses there.

Alexandra was the odds-on favorite so far as girls names, with several sportsbooks also offering bets in keeping with the date of birth. Should you missed out at the betting frenzy never fear; some books are already offering future bets at the first girlfriend of baby George in addition to other outrageous prop bets. 

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

Sergio Cabrera, muy enchufado tras su desconexión

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

El granadino consiguió los mejores resultados de la sesión dominical de ayer en las salas ".com". Dos importantes mesas finales le hicieron sumar más de 17.000$ en premios. Breixo González fue el otro gran triunfador con un pinchazo superior a los 9.500$.

Tras el esfuerzo económico, físico y mental que supone una competición como son las WSOP, es normal que a su vuelta, muchos de nuestros mejores "grinders" se tomen un pequeño receso para desconectar, cargar las pilas y atender compromisos con familiares y amigos.

Desde Faro con amor.Desde Faro con amor.

Algo así hizo durante los últimos días el protagonista español del pasado fin de semana, Sergio Cabrera "trujustrus". El granadino fue el español que más cajas consiguió a lo largo de la pasada edición de las WSOP, aunque con un fatídico día 3 del Main Event en el que todo se torció, se le escapó la más importante de todas.

Una vez finalizada su actuación en las WSOP y ya de vuelta a su Granada natal, Sergio se tomó unos días de descanso para ayer domingo volver a los torneos online con energías renovadas.

Ya desde Faro, "trujustrus" consiguió dos importantes mesas finales, una en PokerStars.com y la otra en Full Tilt Poker.

La primera (y más importante) llegó en el The larger $22, en el que participaron nada menos que 7.762 jugadores. En éste, Sergio acabó firmando la tercera posición embolsándose 12.419$ de premio, el mayor del fin de semana para los españoles.

Sergio Cabrera "trujustrus"12.419$
Frazz Me3.415$

Pero aún no se habían acabado las alegrías para el jugador andaluz. Tocaba ver cómo de bien irían las cosas en Full Tilt Poker, y la cosa no se acabó dando mal del todo. En una edición del The T-Rex en la que participaron 815 jugadores, Sergio volvió a colarse en la mesa final, cayendo en este caso en la sexta posición sumando 5.501$ a sus ingresos del fin de semana. Todo ello, sumado a alguna caja menor, hizo que su vuelta a las mesas al margen de las más dulces que podía imaginar.

ettore m7.640$
Sergio Cabrera "TyRaeL X"5.510$

Aunque Sergio fue el mayor triunfador del domingo, las buenas noticias para los intereses españoles ya habían llegado a nuestros oídos anterior que llegaran sus pinchazos, ya que Breixo González se encargó de firmar las primeras "luces" del domingo para los españoles.

El Cum Laude de EducaPoker está "de dulce" desde que lleva jugando en las salas ".com". Hace unos días pinchó fuerte en The larger $55, y días más tarde entró en premios en su primer Super Tuesday, además clasificado mediante satélite, y ayer, de nuevo, luces en un importante torneo dominical: el $109 Sunday Kickoff.

Se quedó a solo un paso de sumar cinco dígitos. Su cuarta posición le reportó 9.608$ lo que le permite seguir sumando tras su reciente llegada a las mesas ".com". Para redondear el domingo, un mini-ITM en el Sunday 500 y casi 1.000$ más "a la buchaca".

Breixo González "Palomobuchón"9.608$
great dant5.510$
The Lag rat2.684$

Esto fue lo más destacado de lo que sucedió ayer domingo, aunque otros jugadores españoles se quedaron cerca de alcanzar premios mayores. Como una ilustración Álvaro Santamaría "Varosky" logró alcanzar la 12ª posición en el $162 Sunday 6-Max embolsándose 1.741$, quedándose muy cerca de unas nuevas "luces" para su palmarés.

Pese a todo, buenas noticias las que nos siguen llegando más allá de nuestras fronteras.

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Monday, July 29, 2013

Redeeming Slot Vouchers

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
One of the vital quickest changes to the casinos during the last few years was the transition to coinless slot machines. One of the crucial casinos call it the EZ-Pay system while others call it TITO, which stands for Ticket In Ticket Out. In preference to feeding coins into the machine you set any denomination bill within the bill receptor and the machine registers the fitting amount of credits. Whilst you hit the button to cash out a voucher is outlined with the volume of payout that you can redeem on the cashiers cage or redemption machine. The entire new slot machines being made have this option.

The change to a coinless system became a need as a result of advent of the multi–denomination machines. The casinos also favored them as it allowed them to chop labor costs by hiring less slot attendants and alter people.

The casinos made a conscience effort to verify the brand new coinless system could be accepted by the players. Many casinos added numerous redemption kiosks across the casino floor. This makes it faster and less complicated for players to profit their vouchers. Players not must lug buckets of dirty coins around the casino floor and wait in line for a cashier to count them.

Players also don’t must worry a few machine running out of coins while they're cashing out. Previously the largest complaint amongst slot players was the time they'd to attend for a hopper fill, especially when the casino was crowded. The TITO system has eliminated this problem.

When coinless slots were first introduced onto the casino floor the principle complaint from the players was the inconvenience when switching machines. In the event that they desired to switch machines they'd to take their voucher over to the cashier and convert it back to money to place into the following machine. Fortunately, this issue was quickly addressed and in lots of of the newer coinless machines you'll be able to place a voucher from one machine directly into another. In case you are in hurry while you cash out you too can just put the voucher on your wallet or purse and use it whilst you play later.

This however may cause an issue should you forget to cash it in before you head for home especially in case you are visiting a casino in another State. A COUPLE OF weeks ago I received an email from an individual who had forgotten to redeem a slot voucher while on vacation in Las Vegas. He told me it expired in 60 days and desired to know the way to cash it in since he wouldn't be going back to Las Vegas within that time.

I had never forgotten to profit a chit and that i just assumed which you could mail it into the casino and they might send you the cash. I learned that this was not the case at every casino. In truth while performing some research I DISCOVERED that the policies for coping with forgotten slot vouchers varies not just from casino to casino but State to State even among casinos owned by the similar gaming companies.

I called several casinos across the country and asked to be connected to the primary casino cage. In each instance I asked for his or her policy for redeeming a voucher that a player forgot to profit. Here's a sample of my findings.

Casino Policies At Foxwoods in Connecticut the ticket/vouchers from the slot machines are good for 240 days. In case you forget to cash one in you'll be able to mail it in to gather your money.

Harrah’s is among the biggest national gaming companies and that i called several in their casinos to test their polices. After I called the casino in Atlantic City I USED TO BE told that the EZ Pay vouchers didn't expire but when I NEEDED to redeem one after 90 days I'D must visit the primary cage to cash it. At Harrah’s in Las Vegas the vouchers are good for 90 days and so they also have an address imprinted on the back with instructions for mailing within the voucher.

Boyd Gaming is another national company and their policies differ at casinos across the country. At Sam’s Town in Tunica, MS the slot vouchers are good for 60 days and if you happen to forget to redeem one, you'll mail it in to gather your money. This isn't the case on the Fremont, another Boyd property in downtown Las Vegas. I USED TO BE told thon the slot vouchers at the Fremont expire in 30 days and there's no method to mail them in or redeem them instead of in person.

When I called the Mirage in Las Vegas I USED TO BE told that their vouchers were good for 90 days but there has been no technique to mail them in. A player must cash it or lose it.

Subject to Change Since the policy for redeeming slot vouchers varies such a lot you wish to call the casino when you find yourself with a ticket you forgot to cash. The casinos may change their policies every now and then so even the ideas I DISCUSSED here could change at a moments notice.

What You'll be able to Do In case you should end up with a voucher from a casino with a “no-mail policy” all will not be lost. If you're a standard player on the casino my advice could be to name and ask for a casino host if you happen to don’t have already got one. Explain the issue with the host. The casino host desires to do everything possible to retain their good players and so they might be able to figure out an answer for you.

To avoid forgetting the vouchers you want to redeem them whilst you get done playing. I LOVE to try this because I WILL enter the ideas in my log book once I cash my voucher. If you wish to save them to play later, then make it a habit to redeem your vouchers on the end of the day before heading on your room. While you prepare to take a look at of your hotel be certain have a look for your wallet for any vouchers you'll have forgotten.

Consistent Policies If the casinos desired to make the TITO system more player friendly they may make the vouchers interchangeable a number of the properties they own. I realize however that this won't be possible for accounting purposes. They might however initiate a policy that might be consistent among all in their casinos.

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Ultimate Texas Holdem

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!
There are several new table games in line with Texas Hold’em hitting the casino floors. This kind of games is Ultimate Texas Holdem. This game was designed by Roger Snow of ShuffleMaster. The sport is played on a Blackjack style table that may accommodate several players. The players don't compete against one another instead they're playing heads up with the dealer. At the layout in front of every player is a space marked: Trips Ante=Blind Play

The Play Play begins with a player making equal bets within the Ante and Blind circle at the layout. An extra side bet could also be made by placing a gamble within the area marked Trips. Each player and the dealer will then be dealt two cards face down. After these are dealt betting begins and the player can check or bet three to four times the Ante Bet by placing the bet within the circle marked Play. The dealer then turns over the 3 cards for the Flop. If the player has no bet he can again check or bet twice the Ante bet. The dealer then turns during the last two community cards and the player MUST make a big gamble equal to the Ante if he has not yet bet, or Fold and lose the Ante and Blind bets.

Betting The sooner the player bets, the more they may be able to bet. Before the Flop a player can bet three or four times the Ante bet. After seeing the Flop the player can bet twice the Ante bet. After the River if the player has not bet her can bet one time or equal the Ante bet.

Win or Lose After the River card is dealt the dealer and players will turn over their hole cards and make the most efficient five card hand. If the player’s hand beats the dealer his Ante and Play bets win even money. If the dealer’s hand beats the player’s hand, the player will lose the Ante, Blind and Play bets. If the player and dealer tie this can be a push. The Blind bet is paid if the player’s winning hand is a Straight or better and in keeping with the percentages posted at the layout. These may vary from casino to casino.) If the player beats the dealer with lower than a Straight the Blind bet is a push. If the player makes a wager at the Trips bet and has Trips or better the bet is paid even though the dealer’s hand beats the player’s hand.

Dealer Qualification The dealer must qualify by having a couple or better. If the dealer doesn't qualify the Ante bet is returned to the player. The Play bet and Trips bet (if there's one) are still live and can be paid accordingly.

Strategy Since you are playing heads-up with the dealer you can be playing looser than should you were playing in a live game of Texas Hold’em. The method I EXPLOIT is posted at the Wizard of Odds website. You ought to make a four times pre-Flop bet with: Any hand with an ace. Unsuited king and 5 or higher. Unsuited queen and eight or higher. Suited king with some other card. Suited queen with 6 or higher. Suited jack with 8 or higher. Any pair threes or higher.

Pay Table The pay table is listed at the layout. It is going to vary from casino to casino and it'll affect the full house edge. Listed below is a sample pay table found at the various casinos in Las Vegas where the sport is obtainable.

Pay Table
Hand Blind Bet Trips Bet
Royal Flush 500 to one 50 to one
Straight Flush 50 to at least one 40 to at least one
Quads 10 to one 30 to one
Full House 3 to one 8 to 1
Flush 3 to two 6 to one
Straight 1 to at least one 5 to at least one
Trips NA 3 to 1

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!


Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Daniel Cates la toma con Ben Grundy mientras discuten sobre la multicuenta

$25 free NO Deposit & %200 FIRST DEPOSIT BONUS! 13 Years online! SLOTLAND casino. $100,000+ progressive JackPots!

La costumbre que tiene “jungleman12” de buscar paredes contra las que golpear su cabeza le ha llevado esta vez a poner fino al inglés Ben Grundy, que entró en un foro a dar su opinión en el tema de las multicuentas y despertó a la bestia.

No es que haga falta pinchar demasiado a Daniel Cates “jungleman12” para conseguir un titular. A veces, lo único que se necesita es un pequeño malentendido para que Dan se despache a gusto contra otro jugador... Y ahora le ha tocado a Ben Grundy.

Pelear con "jungleman" es tan normal como cantar con Pitbull.Pelear con "jungleman" es tan normal como cantar con Pitbull.

Grundy es un jugador británico, famoso por su cara de niño, su nick “milkybarkid” y unas increíbles gráficas de ganancias en Pot Limit Omaha, que se hicieron famosas en la Red. 

Como te señalamos la semana pasada, un hilo del foro de 2+2 que animaba a discutir sobre el tema de las cuentas múltiples atrajo a unos cuantos jugadores de high stakes a exponer su opinión, y entre ellos se contaba Ben.

Su intervención, en la que defendía que parte del problema venía causado porque a los nicks conocidos nadie les quería dar acción, provocó una agria respuesta de “jungleman12”.

Tú, Ben Grundy, te voy a estar esperando todo el día, zorrilla. El nivel que quieras, incluido 500$/1000$.

“milkybarkid” respondió recordando lo bocazas que es Cates y afirmando que nunca se ha puesto sitout en un heads-up porque entrara Daniel y que no tiene pensado hacerlo nunca. Eso sí, “si alguna vez montamos una partida como es debido con un límite de manos, necesitaré garantías de que no está usando un HUD.”

Este enfrentamiento entre Cates y Grundy estuvo a punto de escenificarse el año pasado como promoción de un sitio web, pero no llegó a concretarse. Este segundo asalto parece provocado por algo más personal. Los compañeros de PokerListings han indagado un poquito más en esta animadversión de Cates por el pro inglés.

Grundy ha dicho que nunca se te ha puesto sitout y que jugaría muy feliz contra ti.

Eso son gilipolleces

¿Por qué dices eso?

Porque para ser un tipo que supuestamente ha ganado 8 millones de dólares o así jugando online, es bastante malo. Y yo no digo algo así a la ligera.Además ya no juega, a no ser que use multicuenta...

Ya el año pasado se suponía que ibas a jugar un reto cara a cara contra Grundy ¿Hay algún tipo de historia entre vosotros?

Pensé que había alguna oportunidad pero, y no es sorpresa, él mentía como hace habitualmente y nunca respondió a mis mensajes.

Ahora mismo básicamente lo que quiero es que se sepa lo falso que es.

Lo que pasó es que malinterpreté un mensaje en 2+2 donde pensé que decía que Sauce123 y otros grandes jugadores de Pot Limit Omaha no se atrevían  a darle acción. Para ser justo eso no fue lo que dijo.

Grundy dijo que si acepta un reto, los HUDs no estarían permitidos ¿Jugarías sin él?¿Crees que finalmente habría reto?

Yo uso un HUD pero jugaría contra él sin usarlo sin dudar un instante. Y sí, pienso que es una trola, nunca querría jugar contra mí.

¿Piensas que los HUDs son un problema y malos para el poker, como otra gente afirma?

Pienso que decir que su uso es inmoral es ridículo y prohibirlos es imposible. Puedo entender por qué se dice que son malos para el poker, pero entonces también lo son las escuelas de poker, hablar de estrategia...

Despotricar contra el uso de HUDs no es muy útil, en mi opinión. Si fueran tan ”injustos”, ¿No debería la gente que protesta usarlos ellos también para ganar es ventaja “injusta?

Todo esto empezó como una discusión sobe el uso de cuentas múltiples ¿Cuál es tu posición al respecto?

Todo depende de qué clase de multicuenta. Muchos de los casos no son tan graves. Como dice “durrrr”, depende de los casos, que deberían ser castigados en un mundo perfecto. Sin embargo, es imposible detectarlos con cierto nivel de certeza, en buena parte de las ocasiones.

La multicuenta en sí no es un gran problema. En muchos casos es un problema reglamentario. Se basa en que va contra las normas. Muchas salas europeas lo permiten (N. del R.: se refiere a los skins de una misma red y a ciertas salas que permiten cambiar de nick periódicamente; que en ningún caso es multicuenta en la misma sala)

Sobre el futuro... ¿Qué te frena para sentarte contra Grundy si le ves online?

 Que nunca está conectado.

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Amanda Bynes Mental Health Hold Extended

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Amanda Bynes had her involuntary mental health hold in California extended by her family after yet one more bizarre incident last week.

The previous few months have seen the previous Nickolodeon star get involved in a sequence of weird episodes, including gambling together with her dog within the Revel casino in Atlantic City and flipping out on strangers, getting arrested after throwing a bong from a window in New York, and setting a small fire in a driveway in California.

Bynes was detained by Ventura County sheriffs last week after setting her pants leg on fire while setting a hearth in a driveway of a personal home in Thousand Oaks, California. She was taken into custody and held for her own safety, together with her parents successfully convincing a judge to increase her mental health hold indefinitely.

Her parents are reportedly seeking a conservatorship very similar to what happened with Britney Spears, as they claim her bizarre behavior stretches back for over a year and that Bynes is rapidly spending all of her money.

Bynes is facing drug charges in Ny stemming from the bong incident and has seemingly been within the headlines constantly with strange and weird antics. In late June she was spotted on the Revel casino together with her dog wearing a wig and a dress with security tags still attached to it as she tried her luck at slots.

"Holy s--- just saw Amanda Bynes pop out a WC at Revel doing the chicken dance," was what one witness posted on Twitter, with another claiming that Bynes began screaming and shouting on the witness' father when he approached Bynes and asked for a photo.

Bynes' parents claim they had no idea how Bynes got from Ny to California recently and that her only response was that she "cabbed" it; she's rumored to have spent nearly $1 million in recent months of the estimated $4 million to $5 million of her remaining net worth.

Bynes' strange behavior made news but wasn't serious enough to back up claims from her parents that a conservatorship have to be put into place, although setting herself on fire recently will have tipped the scales.

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Gambling with Google Glass

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Casinos were quick to prohibit Google Glass when it first came out but one adventurous Glass wearer got his gamble on anyway.

Chris Barrett already made Glass history by apparently witnessing and filming the primary arrest ever on Google Glass while strolling the Atlantic City boardwalk and now he's making headlines for wearing Google Glass into several New Jersey casinos.

Google Glass is a transportable video camera and display that may be built into custom eyeglasses, letting users record video of what they see in addition to interact with information on their display akin to performing Web searches and uploading photos and video taken to YouTube and other sites.

Google Glass is more a display than a real pc but casinos world wide were quick to prohibit its use when news of Goole Glass first came out. Casinos already ban cameras and video equipment on gambling floors out of fear that cheats could use the footage to realize a bonus at roulette, blackjack, and other games.

It's not quite as far-fetched a scenario because it might sounds; several successful roulette cheating rings used a hidden camera to relay footage of a spinning wheel to remote partners with access to high-powered computers, who could use the footage to narrow down the realm of the roulette wheel that the ball would fall into.

Barrett said he expected to quickly learn that he couldn't wear his pair of Google Glass into any casino but quickly discovered that security and casino staff didn't seem too concerned in any respect. He wandered around two casinos with none incidents whatsoever, with a roulette dealer at a 3rd casino finally asking him what it was and telling him that he couldn't wear it on the tables.

Security or supervisors weren't even alerted on the one casino that did ask him to take away the device, suggesting that despite the ban it'd be easier than you think that to wear Google Glass when you gamble -- although it's likely not recommended as it's simply not a risk worth taking only for the joys of having away with it.

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La nueva victoria de Sam Razavi le garantiza dormir en el sofá

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El jugador británico logró el triunfo en uno de los paralelos que se celebran estos días dentro del Asian Poker Tour de Macao. Lo novedoso es que el heads-up se lo disputó y ganó a su prometida. ¡Que no le pase nada!

Durante estos días, en la ciudad de Macao, se está celebrando una nueva parada del Assian Poker Tour, el cual se prolongará hasta el siguiente 31 de julio.

Ríe ahora, que cuando llegues a casa verás... / APTRíe ahora, que cuando llegues a casa verás... / APT

Mientras el Evento Principal va arrancando hojas de su calendario, como sucede en todos los festivales de poker de esta naturaleza, los eventos paralelos van haciendo las delicias de los jugadores que paulatinamente van quedando apeados del plato principal.

El Evento #3 de HK$3.300 (425$) de inscripción que se celebró en modalidad Mix-Game PL Hold'em / PL Omaha, reunió a 32 jugadores, entre los que estaba el británico Sam Razavi, el cual se acabó haciendo con el triunfo final y un premio de HK$30.700 (3.957$).

Hasta aquí todo normal, máxime si tenemos en cuenta que Razavi es un consagrado profesional británico, con más de un millón de dólares en ganancias presenciales, en cuyo palmarés lucen una victoria en el UKIPT de Cork en 2011 y otra en el ANZPT de Melbourne en 2012.

Lo que ya no es tan normal es sue el heads-up final le mida a su prometida Menchu Esdaile, la cual acabó sucumbiendo, teniéndose que conformar con la segunda posición.  Veremos qué represalias toma al convertirse en casa.  ;)

No es la primera vez que por caprichos del azar, dos miembros de una pareja sentimental se ven obligados a compartir mesa. Todavía recordamos como en el Main Event de las WSOP 2011, David Sands "Doc" y Erika Moutinho fueron sentados en la mesa televisada cuando ambos ya se encontraban en fases avanzadas.

En un caso todavía más cercano, son varias las veces que hemos visto como Ana Márquez y Bryn Kenney han tenido que lidiar el uno con el otro en varias mesas online de distintos torneos.

Pero hasta el momento, no nos constaba ningún caso de que ambos miembros de una pareja, se llegaran a medir en el heads-up de un título. Veremos si esto crea un antecedente, y de ahora en adelante, el caso se repite más a menudo, quién sabe. 

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Zynga se echa atrás en su intentona de ofrecer juegos con dinero real

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Posterior muchas idas y venidas, parece que al final Zynga se lo ha pensado mejor y ha desistido de su intención de ofrecer juegos con dinero real.

Desde hace ya mucho tiempo se viene especulando con la intención que el gigante de las redes sociales, Zynga, tiene con entrar en el mercado del poker con dinero real.

Al final lo de Zynga se quedó en un bluff. Al final lo de Zynga se quedó en un bluff.

Hoy en cambio, se rompe la baraja. Definitivamente aparentemente que el establecimiento americana va a olvidarse de esta posibilidad, según un comunicado que se hizo público el pasado jueves, coincidiendo con su segundo informe trimestral del año.

En este comunicado, Zynga manifestaba que por el momento no van a seguir las gestiones ni los trámites para optar a una licencia de juego real en el último marco regulado de los Estados Unidos, aunque dejan una puerta abierta "evaluando los productos de dinero real en el Reino Unido".

Textualmente esto es lo que reza el comunicado que la constitución con sede en San Francisco emitió a finales de esta semana.

Desde Zynga creemos que nuestra mayor oportunidad de desarrollo es centrarnos en los juegos sociales gratuitos. Aunque seguiremos evaluando los productos de dinero real en el Reino Unido, Zynga ha decidido no continuar los trámites para obtener una licencia de dinero real en Estados Unidos. Continuaremos evaluando nuestras prioridades en un mercado que cada vez sigue creciendo mas en cuanto a los juegos sociales, tal vez incluyendo en éstos los juegos de casino.

Justo en estas fechas hace un año, se empezaba a especular con la opción de que Zynga se hiciera con la red Ongame (la cual finalmente fue comprada por la organización Amaya Gaming), lo que días más tarde derivó en un rumor claro de que Zynga quería entrar en el sector del juego con dinero real.

Este nuevo comunicado parece truncar cualquier opción de que el día de mañana den marcha atrás, y vuelvan a intentarlo. En los últimos meses, las pérdidas en bolsa de la organización se cuentan por millones (el balance del pasado trimestre fue de 23 millones de dólares en pérdidas), lo cual ha derivado en un descenso de sus acciones del 40%.

Visto lo visto, no parece mala idea volver a centrarse en los juegos sociales, lo cual no olvidemos que fue lo que permitió a Zynga convertirse en ser lo que es. 

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Read More... [Source: Poker Red]

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Craps - All About Horn Bets

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If you know the way to play craps and do not want a crash course, you continue to may not understand proposition or horn bets. Horn bets make craps fun!

Most players start with an easy pass line bet where the home edge is a tiny 1.41 percent. A pass line bet wins when 7 or 11 is thrown at the first roll, loses when 2, 3, or 12 is thrown at the first roll, and is in serious limbo when some extent"" is established should 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 total at the dice. To win, that number must roll again before 7 comes up at the dice. That's craps, almost as easy as blackjack when you get the hang of it.

However, you don't want a pass line bet to play on the craps table, and should you lose interest looking ahead to your pass or don't pass bet to hit, there are many other places to position your chips.

Horn and Proposition Bets

Craps is a quick action game and it's the stickman's job to entice you with proposition bets. A prop bet is a one-roll bet. You either hit the bet at the next roll otherwise you lose! Most authorities will inform you to bypass prop bets since the house edge is so high. I won't. I LOVE prop bets because they're fun and add numerous excitement to the game.

When the stickman asks, "anybody on eleven," he wants you to toss him a chip for the following roll arising an eleven. If it rolls, you may be paid 15 to at least one or 15 for 1, dependent on where you're playing. That's a pleasing payoff and you may usually make the bet for as low as a dollar. A two-way eleven is half for the dealers and half for the player if it hits.

Sure, the home edge is 11.11 percent (if you're getting 15 to at least one) on a eleven bet, but when you're making a $1 bet every ten minutes and play for 6 hours, it only costs you $4 on average since you will win the bet twice in 36 rolls and come again $32. The thrill part is when numerous elevens are rolling and also you receives a commission more often.

There are quite a few other prop bets on a crap game. The bets, what number of times they are going to average rolling and the home edge are:

  • Two - 1 time in 36 - pays 30 to one - House Edge 13.89 percent
  • Three - 2 times in 36 - pays 15 to one - House Edge 11.11 percent
  • 12 - 1 time in 36 - pays 30 to at least one - House Edge 13.89 percent
  • Any craps - 4 times in 36 - pays 7 to one - House Edge 11.11 percent
  • Any seven - 6 times in 36 - pays 4 to one - House Edge 16.67 percent
Horn Bets

Like prop bets, it's important to ask for a horn bet and either toss the chips to the stickman or tell the interior dealer well before the dice "total" and a bunch is made. Don't just throw your chips into the stickman's other bets!

A horn bet is divided between 2, 3, 11 and 12 - and is a single roll bet. A $4 horn bet is $1 on each number, so when 3 or 11 hits you receives a commission $12 or 3 to one in your bet. It's because you lose $1 at the 2, 11 and 12 and your bet stays up at the horn, so the dealer deducts $3 out of your 15-1 payoff and provides you $12.

If a 2 or 12 rolls, you win $30 minus the 3 $1 losing bets and receive $27. You'll bet any amount at the horn and when 3 or 11 rolls they're going to multiply your bet by three and pay you. When 2 or 12 rolls they are going to multiply your bet by 6.75 and pay you.

Horn High and World Bets

Horn high and world bets are for $5 increments. Whilst you bet a horn high 12, $2 is at the number 12 and $1 is on 2, 3 and 11. You must call out "Horn High" and select where that extra dollar goes (2, 3, 11 or 12).

When you set a global bet, you've $1 on 2, 3, 11, 12 and likewise 7. Again, the stickman will tell the interior dealer what to pay you and your original bet will sit up for the following roll. Yes, you're allowed to take it down.

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Read More... [Source: About.com Casino Gambling: What's Hot Now]

Top Ten Texas Hold'em Poker Tells

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The game of poker may also be deceptively difficult. Texas Hold'em is a little confusing while you start, but while you learn how to play poker the sport can lead even a terrible player to think they're just about playing perfect!

A new player to the sport of golf doesn't think they need to tee it up with Tiger Woods and play for money! But everyday there are 1,000,000 poker players risking their hard-earned money in games they have got no business in. In fact, new players often think they're just pretty much as good as experienced players like Doyle Brunson. And there are several reasons for that.

The first reason is that TV poker games don't show every hand. They key on exciting hands and provides viewers tunnel vision - a distorted view of what have been happening on any given table. There are lots of how you can manipulate your opponents, and there's plenty to be learned about those self same opponents, but those skills take years of practice to hone, and also you can't see that on TV.

However, you are in a position to pick up a couple of tells from the players, especially because you get to look their hole cards. A tell is any mannerism or movement that a player makes subconsciously, or makes purposely seeking to throw off the competition.

Tell Primary: Loose Talk, Tight Play

The the very first thing you desire to know about each opponent is what starting cards they're going to play. In Texas Hold'em, each players' two cards are known only to them, so that you must learn their range of starting hands. And, your first clue to that is what number of hands they really play. A DECENT player is probably going to just find about one hand in 10 they honestly wish to play, but they will even be serious about blind hands.

Some players like to speak about all of the hands they play, why they'd to boost etc. But are they truly playing a large number of hands? Do not be fooled by loose talk and tight play. Simply count the hands they're enthusiastic about. In the event that they fold a lot, expect the hands they do get entangled in to be all pocket pairs, face cards and face cards with an ace. Watch out!

Tell Number Two: Button Raises

Many players always raise from the cutoff or button if no other players are within the hand yet (and infrequently when there just hasn't been a raise). Sure, they could have a hand, but don't toss your blind hand away each time they raise or they'll never stop!

Tell Number Three: Who's the Action Up To?

If a player is suddenly very serious about the action, maybe even asking, "Is it as much as me?" they probably found something they liked of their starting hand or at the board. Give 'em some credit for a hand and watch very closely when the hand is shown down. What do you see?

Tell Number Four: My Chips Are Neatly Stacked

Every player develops a habit of stacking their chips in a definite way. For essentially the most part, players who've messy chips are looser and prone to simply be enjoying the sport. Conversely, players who've perfect stacks probably have numerous time to organize them because they are not in very many hands. Watch and make sure this!

Tell Number Five: I CANNOT Wait to Raise

A player who does the "insta-raise" is unlikely to be bluffing. They were just looking forward to the action to get to them after which boom - there go the chips. I believe.

Tell Number Six: Calling to the Flush Draw

Players like to discover a reason to play every hand. When a player calls in late position pre-flop and just keeps calling the entire way, there's a good chance they are attempting to hit a flush or a straight. Often, if two of a suit hits the flop and a 3rd suited card hits the river it spells danger. It's possible you'll even check a lesser hand you have been betting in a limit game and look ahead to that last player to behave. Then, you will likely need to call their bet and hope they have got something lower than a straight or a flush.

However, this works well, as it saves you having to name a raise, and infrequently the player decides to make a last-ditch bluff. Enjoy.

Tell Number Seven: I'm Suddenly Quiet

Some players which might be normally talkative get very quiet once they hit a hand. Watch, and in the event that they suddenly raise, that's usually the tell - and the answer.

Tell Number Eight: I'm whistling or Singing a Tune

It's my experience that a player who raises pre-flop and at the flop, will sometimes attempt to act so non-nonchalant that they really whistle or sing a bit tune once they bet at the turn or the river. That's usually an excellent tell for someone who has not improved their hand, acting happy or over-confident.

Te;; Number Nine: I AM NOT Moving

There is usually a reason when a player suddenly raises at the river and also you can't determine what they hit, because they were either there at the flop, or they missed completely. Although I'VE seen it both ways, in the event that they make the raise after which sit there, super still, it's more likely they're hardly breathing not to show fear and keep you from calling.

Tell Number Ten: I LOVE That Card

An almost involuntary move by many players is to instantly take a look at their chips once they love a card that hits. Stands out as the flop, turn, or river. However, after they look down quickly, then act uninterested until it's their turn and so they raise, I'm usually convinced they hit something nice.

Learn Your individual Patterns

Specifically, tells are a subconscious movement or pattern. Often, these tells are most useful in no-limit hold'em. I've seen players announce their raise only after they were weak and just push their stack of chips to the center after they were strong. I also saw an excellent star player who was counting out his raise on a bluff and pushing several stacks without counting when he had the nuts. Oops.

However, an important tell is the only you give to the opposite players. Don't use the similar method each time you bet or raise. Do one method on strong hands several times after which use it again on a bluff, or once you have caught on a bluff, use the similar method the following time you will have a monster.

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SCOOP: EMUVI queda 2º en el evento 9 (pacto por 5.634€)

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^ Tenemos pendiente desde hace unas semanas presentaros a este jugador, Emilio Muñoz “Emuvi”, habitual de los torneos del Casino de Zaragoza, donde además esta consiguiendo algunas victorias y un buen puñado de mesas finales.Lo tenemos pendiente por otro tema, y es que ha creado el equipo de poker ” Team Cream Poker Zaragoza”…pero eso os [...]
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Read More... [Source: Pokerciko, Comunidad Aragonesa de Jugadores de Póquer » Noticias y Actualidad]